बुधवार, 27 अक्टूबर 2010

ब्रह्मकुमारिस बापदादा

Touch The Stillness
Every action has its seed in a thought and every thought is a creation of the thinker, the soul. I choose what thoughts I want to create and as is my thinking so are my actions and also my experience in life. Going within, I touch the stillness and pure love that lie at the core of my being and every thought that I create is of benefit to myself and of benefit to humanity.

How To Be Happy At Work

Every professional and an employee knows how bad the current economic condition is – no jobs, more pay cuts, layoffs, higher workload, no bonus, no appraisal and what is even worse is that every one’s living in the fear of loosing their job any minute. One can totally understand how stressful all this is for working professionals and employees. Buy you need to cope with all these issues or you’ll find it really hard to concentrate on your work and do a good job. Here is how you can divert your mind from this stressful situation and be happy at work.

When you are overloaded with personal issues, it’s really difficult to concentrate on work and be happy at your workplace. So, learn to share your problems with a close colleague. Do not keep your problems to yourself or you will end up feeling depressed. Follow one simple rule and you will always be happy in life. Leave your personal worries at home and your professional issues at work and then see the change in you. In fact this will help you stay focused and productive at work.

Think No Evil
"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." Do not even think evil, because first you think of something, then you speak of it, then you see it.

Striking Differences Between Winners and Losers
Winners Losers
1 Winners focus on solutions. Losers focus on problems.
2 Winners take responsibility. Losers blame others.
3 Winners find opportunities in crisis. Losers complain about crisis.
4 Winners enjoy being in the present and learn from the past. Losers live in the past.
5 Winners make commitment and keep them no matter what. Losers make promises that they always break.
6 Winners think about how they can achieve. Losers give excuses.
7 Winners make personal development a priority. Losers neglect personal development.
8 Winners face their fear, accept it and take the leap. Losers dwell in their fear.
9 Winners constantly expand their comfort zone. Losers stay in their comfort zone.
10 Winners take action consistently. Losers refrain from taking action and lack consistency.
11 Winners take failure in their stride and learn from them. Losers fear failure and avoid them at all cost.
12 Winners try different strategies when they are not getting the results they want. Losers do the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
13 Winners set goals. Losers lack goals.
14 Winners plan. Losers hate having a plan.
15 Winners believe there are always things to be learn. Losers consider themselves as an expert even though they know little.
16 Winners are humble. Losers are egoistic.
17 Winners continue to hone their skill every other day without fail. Losers make little effort in honing their skill.
18 Winners work hard. Losers avoid work.
19 Winners give their best for the things that they decide to do. Losers work half heartedly in everything that they do.
20 Winners are persistent and will do whatever it takes (ethical means) to achieve their goal. Losers give up when obstacles pop up.
21 Winners manage their time well and indulge in high value activities that will bring them closer to their goals. Losers lack time management skills and indulge in time wasting activities like playing games and watching re runs for the umpteen time.
22 Winners dream in the day. Losers dream in bed.
23 Winners think about possibilities. Losers focus on obstacles that will stop them from achieving.
24 Winners are certain. Losers doubt.
25 Winners control their own destiny. Losers leave everything to their fate.
26 Winners give more than they take. Losers take more than they give.
27 Winners think whether the crowd is going in the right direction. If not, he will walk the other direction. Losers follow the crowd.
28 Winners think and lead. Losers refuse to think so they follow.
29 Winners listen. Losers fight for every chance to talk.
30 Winners always find a better way to do things. Losers stick to one way of doing things.
31 Winners spend money in seminars and classes to improve themselves. Losers think that spending money on seminars and classes is a waste of money and they prefer to buy toys that gives them instant gratification.
32 Winners help others to win. Losers refuse to help and think only about their own benefit.
33 Winners find like minded people like themselves that can bring them to greater height. Losers find like minded people like themselves that will drag them to failure.
“मीठे बच्चे- नाज़ुकपना भी देह-अभिमान है, रूसना, रोना यह सब आसुरी संस्कार तुम
बच्चों में नहीं होने चाहिए, दु:ख-सुख, मान-अपमान सब सहन करना है”

प्रश्न: सर्विस में ढीलापन आने का मुख्य कारण क्या है?
उत्तर: जब देह-अभिमान के कारण एक दो की खामियाँ देखने लगते हैं तब सर्विस में
ढीलापन आता है। आपस में अनबनी होना भी देह-अभिमान है। मैं फलाने के साथ नहीं चल
सकता, मैं यहाँ नहीं रह सकता.... यह सब नाज़ुकपना है। यह बोल मुख से निकालना
माना कांटे बनना, नाफरमानबरदार बनना। बाबा कहते बच्चे, तुम रूहानी मिलेट्री हो
इसलिए ऑर्डर हुआ तो फौरन हाज़िर होना चाहिए। कोई भी बात में आनाकानी मत करो।

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
1) बहुत मीठे, शान्त, अति मीठे स्वभाव का बनना है। कभी भी क्रोध नहीं करना है।
अपनी आंखों को बहुत-बहुत सिविल बनाना है।
2) बाबा जो हुक्म करे, उसे फौरन मानना है। सारे विश्व को पतित से पावन बनाने की
सेवा करनी है अर्थात् घेराव डालना है।

वरदान: ईश्वरीय नशे द्वारा पुरानी दुनिया को भूलने वाले सर्व प्राप्ति सम्पन्न
जैसे वह नशा सब कुछ भुला देता है, ऐसे यह ईश्वरीय नशा दु:खों की दुनिया को सहज
ही भुला देता है। उस नशे में तो बहुत नुकसान होता है, अधिक पीने से खत्म हो
जाते हैं, लेकिन यह नशा अविनाशी बना देता है। जो सदा ईश्वरीय नशे में मस्त रहते
हैं वह सर्व प्राप्ति सम्पन्न बन जाते हैं। एक बाप दूसरा न कोई - यह स्मृति ही
नशा चढ़ाती है। इसी स्मृति से समर्थी आती है।

स्लोगन: एक दो को कॉपी करने के बजाए बाप को कॉपी करो।
Essence: Sweet children, to become oversensitive is body consciousness. You children should not have any devilish sanskar of sulking or crying. You have to tolerate happiness and sorrow, respect and disrespect.

Question: What is the main reason for service becoming slack?

Answer: Service becomes slack when, out of body consciousness, you begin to look at the weaknesses of one another. Not to get on with someone is also body consciousness. It is being oversensitive to say: I can’t live with so-and-so; I can’t stay here. To say these words means to become a thorn and be disobedient. Baba says: Children, you are the spiritual military and you should therefore be present as soon as you receive an order. Don’t make excuses about anything.

Blessing: May you forget the old world with Godly intoxication and become an embodiment of all attainments.

Just as that intoxication makes you forget everything else, in the same way, this Godly intoxication easily enables you to forget the world of sorrow. There is a lot of damage caused through that intoxication, and by drinking too much (alcohol) a person can die, but this intoxication makes you imperishable. Those who remain constantly intoxicated with this Godly intoxication become full of all attainments. The awareness of belonging to the one Father and none other makes you intoxicated and, with this awareness, you also receive power.
Slogan: Instead of copying one another, copy the Father.

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