बुधवार, 27 अक्टूबर 2010

Make full use of all teachings you receive

Make full use of all teachings you receive

Today is Didi Manmohini’s day. Didi’s specialities were that she was introverted and she had only One Baba. She was a great yogi. She did not speak much but what she spoke was full of essence and depth. Didi was permanently in a bhatti. It was Didi who taught me how to play with the jewels of knowledge… the wonderful treasures of knowledge. After Baba become avyakt, Didi took me on tours of Northern India. When she took me on tours she always asked me to speak first. She would check if I spoke new things every time! Didi was number one in following shrimat. She was a number one yogi as she kept only One Baba in her heart.

The main things we saw in Didi’s life were that she was able to detach from the body, conquer attachment and remain the embodiment of remembrance. She was from a prominent and fashionable family but she completely removed the five vices from her life.

Didi was able to have very deep and real relationships with Baba. She experienced Him as a friend, a teacher, a beloved… To her, these relationships were very real and she was able to extract the experiences of those relationships and take a lot of power from those relationships. Didi taught me to consider Baba as my friend. Didi was a sincere and intense effort maker. Didi taught me to make effort with happiness. Don’t let anything get you down! Many souls have the experience of having burden in their life. When anything small happens they experience heaviness immediately. Even if you can’t sleep, never mind, sit up and remember Baba! Whatever happened in Didi’s life she took it very lightly. She made effort with joy. Didi taught us that every challenging situation was a paper while Mama told us that everything that happens is drama. Nothing is difficult for a soul who keeps saying, ‘Baba, Baba, Baba’.

Didi freed us from getting entangled in situations and external complications. Take Baba’s drishti and realise what quality of soul you are. Realise your value! In a second, sit in front of Baba and go into deep silence. We used to practice this with Didi. Use silence in the right way and your thoughts, words and actions will all become powerful.

Didi was very strict; no-one could get trapped in her name and form. No one could speak waste in front of her because she would show them a stern eye. Our relationships and communication with Didi were very spiritual and significant. No-one could pull her into anything wasteful. Didi was careful that nothing should go to waste. She taught us to take the name of One (eknami) and to be economical with everything… both physical and subtle. Didi taught us that we have to be very honest; if someone gives something for the yagya, it has to go to the yagya… not even a few rupees should be kept for the centre.

Remember: If you receive a teaching, take it with love and use it in the right way. At some point in your life, it will definitely be useful. Wherever you are, you can receive the vibrations and get inspiration from Madhuban. Didi was very good at catching Baba’s teachings. She was very accurate. She was never late. When she came for yoga, we felt that she was bringing Baba with her. Many BK’s were born though Didi’s drishti. Many learned to be faithful to One Baba from Didi…

Remember, where there is Baba, no challenging situation can remain. Where there is no Baba, any situation will prevail. Be honest with Baba and tell Him about your situation. It is the time to become free of all waste and all complications. It is the time to become free! Don’t allow yourself to become too serious. Keep a true heart, speak less and just smile when you meet someone. In this way, you will create good feelings all around. Maintain a powerful stage and souls will be able to catch your vibrations. In this way, you can do unlimited service.

Om shanti.


Dadi Janki, 27th July 2010 Morning – Senior Brothers Bhatti


There is sakash and there are blessings. What is sakash? What ever I have done, I am not one who has done it. I simply become an instrument and that is why Baba has given me sakash. When I don't give sorrow to others nor do take sorrow, then I get everyone’s blessings.

It’s Baba's shakti and the blessings that we receive from our service companions that moves us forward. For three years Baba kept uncle in front and gave sakash. His face showed what Sakash is. He became one who claimed a right to sakash. Seeing the way in which the yagya works he was inspired to do service.

Every January new things have happened. It’s because of sakash. Let there be coolness. Let there not be any limited things that get in the way.

Everyone complains about having waste thoughts. If one waste thought comes then ten other thoughts will follow. If I have one waste thought then... Baba has pulled my attention and my eyes opened. The sustenance you have received you have to give that to others.

When I become an instrument Baba gives such power and experiences. Simply through our example then there is lot of service.

Baba has said claim a hundred marks in purity and honesty. There should be no weakness left and for this Baba is giving sakash. Don't allow a slightest bit of waste thoughts to come.

Baba said those who are moody don't recognise me. Whose is your security guard? Determination.

I have never seen a slightest bit of arrogance in Chandramani Dadi. I never seen anyone renounce as much as her. She ate, slept and used to meet people all in the same tiny room.

Be ready like the snake to peel of this skin and become like a honey bee – part of close knit gathering.

Have pure feeling and great feelings. Don’t see what feelings others have for you – just see what feeling Baba has for you. Keep Baba's face in front of you. Baba's blessings are with you. Sakash you will receive later. First pass in all other things.

Why does it take time to apply full stop. Why do questions arise in the first place? It is because on the filed of service you have come into contact with the family. But let me not see anyone’s weakness or speak about it. Don't take time to finish your own weaknesses. If I have the nature of carelessness let me realise that my real eyes are still closed.

Don't become disheartened with the self, even by mistake Baba will pull your ears if you come into conflict of opinion. Then you won't receive sakash.

Have pure and positive feelings. If in the family no body likes me it’s my fault. You have to pass with honour. It’s not dignified if I become upset. Through reality I become royal.

Don’t get involved in the complication or conflict of storied. Don’t allow yourself to get trapped anywhere.

Not one minute should go to waste in giving and taking. There should be no shadow that overcasts me. It is dangerous if that happened. Note that humans always have a shadow but angels don’t.

Shadows or eclipses come because of jealousy or when you feel no one listens to your ideas, or one or another such feeling. As is my awareness so will be my attitude. Thoughts create our attitude. If my bhavna is pure and clean then my awareness is good. Sanskaras, thoughts and power to discern – all should become very clear.

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