बुधवार, 27 अक्टूबर 2010


My meditation music plays softly
Candlelight throws shadows on the wall
I think of love, the highest, holiest action
The most elevated language, the highest form of energy
Love vibrates rapidly, powerfully shapes the environment
If there is love and peace at home, it is like heaven
Love has no blame but recognises the light in each one
It can transform the madness and insanity of the world
The whole world is hungry for one drop
Open your heart; send out unconditional, eternal, pure love
Become an ocean of love, love brings peace.

Be a light to others and you wont stumble on your own path. Practice meditation for one minute every hour will enhance the quality of your life and those around you.

Please email your thoughts, suggestions, opinions and inspirations to

Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Sahaja Yoga is a meditation technique which brings a breakthrough in the transformation of human awareness. It was created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and has since spread all around the world.

The advent of Sahaja Yoga meditation was prophesized a long time ago in many of the world's spiritual traditions and religions, in these modern times many seekers of Truth have been deluded into following various false, self-proclaimed "gurus" who are either money or power oriented, but not Spirit oriented.

A Meditation for spiritual ascent
Through the practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation, our awareness gains a new dimension where absolute truth can be felt tangibly - on our central nervous system. As a result of this happening, our spiritual ascent takes place effortlessly and physical, mental and emotional balance are achieved as a byproduct of this growth of our awareness.

We then realize that we are not this body, mind, ego, conditionings, emotions or intellect, but something of an eternal nature which is always residing in our heart in a pure, undisturbed state - the Self or Spirit.

The Spirit is the source of true knowledge, peace and joy. Self Realization is the actualization of this connection with our Spirit, which as Shri Mataji advocates, is the birthright of every human being.

To Learn more about Sahaja Yoga meditation or to book into one of their free courses please visit their web site http://www.freemeditation.com

Be a light to others and you wont stumble on your own path. Practice meditation for one minute every hour will enhance the quality of your life and those around you.

Please email your thoughts, suggestions, opinions and inspirations to

Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Sahaja Yoga is a meditation technique which brings a breakthrough in the transformation of human awareness. It was created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and has since spread all around the world.

The advent of Sahaja Yoga meditation was prophesized a long time ago in many of the world's spiritual traditions and religions, in these modern times many seekers of Truth have been deluded into following various false, self-proclaimed "gurus" who are either money or power oriented, but not Spirit oriented.

A Meditation for spiritual ascent
Through the practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation, our awareness gains a new dimension where absolute truth can be felt tangibly - on our central nervous system. As a result of this happening, our spiritual ascent takes place effortlessly and physical, mental and emotional balance are achieved as a byproduct of this growth of our awareness.

We then realize that we are not this body, mind, ego, conditionings, emotions or intellect, but something of an eternal nature which is always residing in our heart in a pure, undisturbed state - the Self or Spirit.

The Spirit is the source of true knowledge, peace and joy. Self Realization is the actualization of this connection with our Spirit, which as Shri Mataji advocates, is the birthright of every human being.

To Learn more about Sahaja Yoga meditation or to book into one of their free courses please visit their web site http://www.freemeditation.com

Be a light to others and you wont stumble on your own path. Practice meditation for one minute every hour will enhance the quality of your life and those around you.

Please email your thoughts, suggestions, opinions and inspirations to
Meditation on Positive Thinking
I sit relaxed
And begin to harness the power of my mind
For this meditation
We will allow the natural thoughts To flow
I have a thought that I am a peaceful positive being
I create the thought that I am a positive individual
And I maintain positive thoughts in every situation
I seek solutions to problems
And I focus in on the answers And not on the problems
I constantly fill my mind with positive powerful thoughts
I focus to replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts
So that the light of positive thinking empowers me
These real thoughts bring a good feeling in my mind
I am a powerful positive being
I am a being of light
And as light I am carefree
As light I am beyond the dramas and chaos of those around me
My only important task is to be powerful in positive thinking
When I have tension I am creating positive thoughts
I do not experience any tension
I am positive powerful being of light
I am an eternal being of light
Any thought that is negative I let it pass
And keep the shining powerful mindset in place
I constantly generate positive powerful thoughts
Positive powerful thoughts are those of an eternal nature
They are who I really am
Just an eternal wonderful, radiant being
Of positive energy
And in this light my positive mindset cannot be shaken
By any adverse or negative situation that is around me
For I am the lighthouse
Shining within the storm of negativity of the world
But this powerful light I will forever keep ignited
And I let love be the eternal oil
That fuels this eternal flame of light
And a love to keep myself illuminated
By this meditation
That I will forever practice.

Hope you enjoy this positive thinking meditation

Raja Yoga meditation
Try to experience the stillness of mind of being a peaceful soul as other thoughts emerge in the mind do not judge or focus on them but repeat ............

I am a peaceful soul .............

I am a peaceful soul ............

My mind is filled with peace ..............

I radiate peace to the world ...............

I feel the gentle waves of peace flowing across my mind ...........

As these peaceful thoughts emerge in my mind I feel the stillness and silence envelopes my mind .................

I am the peaceful soul ......

I am a peaceful loving soul ............

My mind feels light and free from worries ...........

I realize my real nature is peace ..........

Peaceful thoughts flow through the mind and I feel the self becoming light ......................

I am a being of light shining like a star .......................

I radiate peace and light to the world ......................

The light and peace envelopes me and the waves of peace and light shine like a lighthouse.............................................

This is the wonderful journey of self discovery.

Raja Yoga Meditation philosophy
The basis for attaining an experience in raja yoga meditation in to understand the self and the mind. The human mind is the most creative, powerful and wonderful "instrument" we possess. Using this energy called mind we have been able to search the deepest oceans, send humans to the moon and scan the molecular fabric of the building blocks of nature. But have we found our true self? We have become the most educated and civilized society in our history, but are we civil towards each other?

The soul has three main faculties; the mind or consciousness, the intellect and the subconscious.

Thoughts flow from the sub conscious mind to the conscious mind. Feelings and emotions form in accordance with the montage of thoughts flowing in the mind. Therefore our state of mind at any given moment is determined by the thoughts in our consciousness, and also with the feelings that we associate with those thoughts. Since our sub consciousness contains all our previous thoughts and experiences, it is necessary to selectively control the flow of thoughts that emerges from the sub conscious mind.

The intellect is the controller which is used to discriminate so that only positive and benevolent thoughts flow into our mind. With meditation or deep contemplation, the individual is able to strengthen and sharpen the intellect. The end result is a constant state of well being. If we are able to understand the self as the source of energy that creates our feelings, then the following will become our aims.

Become aware of our state of mind and of the thoughts that flows into the mind from our subconscious.
Strengthen the intellect so that the individual can discriminate and thereby only allow positive and peaceful thoughts to flow into the mind.
Through this process of self development the individual develops more control over the mind.

These meditations have been taken from the knowledge as taught by the Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga meditation organization. Raja Yoga meditation organization

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