बुधवार, 27 अक्टूबर 2010

Raja Yoga Meditation

Raja Yoga Meditation
Welcome Home
This web site offers an introduction to the art and practice of meditation while also providing a foundation for further spiritual development. A series of articles provide clear insights into the concepts that make up the deep knowledge taught in Raja Yoga.

Read through the articles or skip directly to the guided lessons and ask yourself if anything rings true for you. Allow yourself to experience the deep feelings of peace and contentment that are always available to you when you apply Raja Yoga meditation techniques.

As this site is just beginning (information is still being submitted and compiled), lets start off with a few powerful discussions. These are just a primer for the wonderfully empowering jewels of information that will be available to you very soon:

Unconditional Love
World Power
God is One
What is Purity?
Creating Peace

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