बुधवार, 27 अक्टूबर 2010

God is One

God is One
A Message of Peace and Unity for the World
Each religion has its own way of thinking about God, but the one commonality between all religions is in seeing God as light. A metaphor for light is enlightenment, truth, absence of ignorance, the opposite of darkness.

When we look at humanity as a whole with all the many cultures, religions, ways of doing things and seeing things, God is the one unifier, the one commonality. And yet, ironically so many wars have started in the name of God. If God really is truth, enlightenment, absence of the darkness of ignorance, this proves that the wars and fighting in the name of God really have nothing to do with God but only to do with the ignorance of human beings and the desire of human beings to divide humanity up into groups of us and them. It is common during wars or disagreements between people or nations to say, "God is on our side." We understand innately that this has to be false. If God were really a myth as many people say, or non existent, then why would 3/4 of the population of the world believe in Him and cry out to Him for help. Even those who have professed to be atheists all their lives cry out to God when they come into a life or death situation, in a moment of crisis.

Why would some sort of facsimile of God exist in all religions and cultures if He really didn't exist. The reason why so many people have lost faith in the existence of God is because of disheartenment, like the fable of the fox and the sour grapes. In the innocence of their childhood or in moments of sadness and weakness, they cried out to God but were unable to feel a connection and so they lost hope. They became bitter and indifferent and then began to follow others or to worship at the alter of their own ego. They chose to make materialism or science their God and to forget about this elusive being who seems to require so much subtly and perseverance to reach. For most people the material world is a lot easier. Or following in the footsteps of religious leaders gives them the illusion of God without having to do any, or very little, personal inner transformation.

Religions also give people a sense of community which is often lacking in our material world. But, all these things are only a temporary panacea, an illusion of being connected with God. Connection with God is not a group thing. It also has nothing to do with scriptures or following in the footsteps of someone you consider to be great, all the while considering yourself to be a lowly sinner. This attitude will never bring you closer to God.

Christ had many followers, but how many people have said to themselves, I am going to connect with God and live a Christ-like life. Too many people remain in low self esteem while putting great personalities like Christ, Abraham, Buddha, Gandhi or Mohammed on a pedestal, deifying them, but never becoming like them. In fact, never even considering the possibility of leading a life like them. What did these great personalities have in common? A deep love for God, love for humanity as a whole, no strong attachment to individual human beings, a great deal of humility, peacefulness, purity, a vision of brotherhood without division, acceptance for all people and situations.

In examining their lives it is possible to see that although they were great souls, they also had the qualities of human beings with the occasional moments of weakness. Each one also had their own strengths which made them unique from one another.

Only God can have total acceptance for all people and all situations at all times and complete, constant, altruistic love with total detachment. God doesn't hate sin. God never thinks about sin or sees sin in us. God only sees goodness and is blind to our sin. But in order to attract God's attention to us we have to let go of our burden of sin.

If we meditate on God as a point of light, as the incorporeal One, invisible, shining light, whilst recognizing ourselves as that too, as souls, silent, eternal, pure, peaceful, powerful, beings who have forgotten who we are, then we can become like God and come into close connection with God.

Hindus speak of God as Jothilingum, Muslims as Allah, Christians as Yahova. God is One. God is not a force which divides, but a force which unites. All divisions are man-made. God is our spiritual Parent. God is Universal. God is Light. God is the Benefactor for all souls, the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness.

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